Careers & opportunities

The statistics of the EIL Côte d’Opale provide information on the academic and professional careers of engineering students before, during and after the course completed in our School.English French

Integrated preparatory cycle 2024

Engineering Cycle 2024

Recrutement en Cycle Ingénieur en anglais
camembert Insertion professionnelle en anglais

Computer Science Specialty

Time to access to the 1st job: less than 2 months (77.5%). Annual salary : 36.95 K€

Industrial Engineering Specialty

Time to access the 1st job: less than 2 months (74%). Annual salary: 38.36 K€

Targeted professions

Training in Industrial Engineering : production engineer ; quality engineer ; method and industrialization, organization and logistics engineer ; maintenance engineer ; consulting/consultant ; research and development engineer ; design and design office engineer ; chargé d’affaires ; etc.

Training in Computer Science : Computer Science Design and Development Engineer ; engineer in industrial and technical computing ; Consultants ; auditors in information systems ; ERP consultant ; project manager ; information systems architect ; Information Systems, Research and Development Directorate ; business engineer ; etc.

Training in Energy and Environmental Engineering : Engineering design, process, project or business engineer ; energy, renewable energies ; energy manager ; Environment and Energy Manager ; Renewable Energy Project Manager ; etc.

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