Elyess, Achraf et Loïc‘s experience

Escuela de Ingenieria de Bilbao – Universidad del Pais Vasco

The quality of teaching is excellent. The teachers are highly qualified and sometimes even renowned in their field.  They are also very attentive to students and always available to help them. Similarly, during group work or other activities, the other students have generally been caring, inclusive and supportive.  All of this made for a healthy and pleasant working environment throughout the semester.

The standard of teaching at the Escuela de Ingenieria de Bilbao is higher than that of EILCO and is among the best in Spain. However, serious work throughout the semester will enable you to succeed in your mobility, because if we succeeded, you can do it too.


I recommend that you choose as many of the Master’s in Management subjects as possible in English. The courses for these subjects are organised in two or three sessions of 5 hours each. Assessment is based on attendance, group work and an MCQ exam in January. The latter, which lasts between 15 and 20 minutes, is relatively easy to pass (my marks have varied between 7.33 and 9 out of 10 for the MCQs). This structure applies to all management subjects in English.

However, I would advise you to avoid choosing subjects that are too scientific, such as mechanics, as the school specialises in this field and the level is much higher.

For example, I had this experience with fluid mechanics, which was much more in-depth. I would also recommend that you take the Green Design subject (6 ECTS credits). It is assessed through a group project throughout the semester, which is very interesting, and there is no final exam.

Finally, I would encourage you to enrol for the Spanish Course (6 ECTS credits) as soon as you start the new academic year. These Spanish courses are relatively easy to validate, and will enable you to improve your command of the language that you will use on a daily basis.


The standard of living is fairly similar to that in France, but most food, clothing and other products are considerably cheaper.

Several means of transport are available, such as RENFE (train), metro, bus, tram, etc.

A wide range of student accommodation is available, including shared student accommodation and student residences such as RESA (the equivalent of CROUS in France).

You’ll have plenty of free time, as the days are not very busy. There are plenty of activities available, including sports, visits to museums and many other places of interest. The school associations organise regular weekly activities, such as trips and outings.

Bilbao is a beautiful city with a magnificent landscape. You’ll find plenty of fast transport links to get to the coast, explore the mountains, enjoy the beach and much more.


Elyess, Achraf et Loïc

Génie Industriel



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