Statutes of the École d’Ingénieurs du Littoral Côte d’Opale (EILCO)
Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale (EILCO)
Title 1. Structure, organization, and mission of the school
Article 1. Structure et organization
- The École d’Ingénieurs du Littoral Côte d’Opale (EILCO) is a component of the Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale (ULCO). This internal school is governed by article L. 713-9 of the French Education Code.
- The school is administered by a school council and managed by a director in accordance with article L. 713-9.
- The school may become a multidisciplinary polytechnic university center, in accordance with Article L. 713-2, if the annual intake is at least equal to 250 students.
- The school has the financial autonomy required to meet its development needs.
- The school is provided with administrative and technical services and statutory teaching and research posts. The State allocates the financial and human resources necessary for its operation.
Article 2. The school’s mission
The school, in collaboration with the professional world, has the following missions:
- Initial engineering training, including apprenticeship and work study programs
- Continuing education
- The development and promotion of research and technology
- Technology transfer and innovation in collaboration with the business world
- Professional integration of future engineers by developing relationships with companies
- National and international cooperation
Title 2. The School Council
Article 3. Role of the School Council
The School Council:
- Defines the school’s general policy and monitors its implementation
- Defines the educational program and the research and development program within the framework of ULCO policy and current national regulations
- Proposes changes and improvements to training and the creation of any new courses of study
- Elects a Chairman and Vice-Chairman by a majority vote of its members, from among the external personalities who are members of the School Council
- Elects the Director of the school in accordance with article 8 of the bylaws
- Elects a Deputy Director on the proposal of the School Director, for the duration of the latter’s term of office
- Gives its opinion on contracts and agreements whose execution concerns it
- Submits job allocations to the ULCO Board of Directors. It is consulted on ULCO’s recruitment policy concerning the school
- Approves the school budget prepared by the Director and gives its opinion on the management report presented by the Director at the end of the financial year
- Adopts and amends the school’s internal regulations
- Creates all committees, determines their composition and term of validity
- Promotes the development of cultural, sporting, and social activities involving the school’s students and staff
- Deliberates on all matters relating to the school’s internal coordination and relations with other schools or higher education establishments
Article 4. Composition of the School Council
Article 4.1 – The School Council is made up of 28 members, distributed as follows:
- 4 representatives from among university professors or equivalent staff in College A,
- 4 representatives from among the other research professors, teachers, researchers, and similar staff in College B,
- 3 representatives among administrative, technical, labor, and service engineers for College C,
- 3 representatives among students under college D;
- 14 outside personalities:
- 8 representatives from the business world, appointed by the Chairman of the School Board after consultation with the School Director and the President of ULCO.
- 6 representatives of local authorities, consular chambers and employee and employer trade unions (full members and alternates) appointed by their respective governing bodies:
- 1 representative of the Conseil Régional Nord-Pas-de-Calais
- 1 representative of the Côte d’Opale-Calais Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- 1 representative of the Grand Lille Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- 1 representative of SMCO (Syndicat Mixte de la Côte d’Opale)
- 1 representative of MEDEF Littoral Côte d’Opale or UIMM Littoral Pas de Calais
- 1 representative of an employee trade union
Article 4.2 – Guests
- The School Council may invite, in an advisory capacity, any person whose presence it deems useful to the debates on an item on the agenda.
Article 5. Election of School Council members
- Members of the School Council are elected in accordance with articles L.719-1 and L.719-2 of the French Education Code, as amended by law no. 2007-1199 of August 10, 2007 on university freedoms and responsibilities, and decree no. 85-89 of January 18, 1985, as amended.
- Electoral lists are drawn up under the responsibility of the university president. Preparations for the ballot are governed by the same rules as for other parts of the university.
- The director of the school is responsible for the material organization of the elections.
- The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the School Council are elected by an absolute majority of the School Council for a renewable 3-year term, from among the external personalities who are members of the School Council.
- The term of office for non-student members is 4 years.
- Students are appointed for a 2-year term.
- External members are appointed for a 3-year term.
- Members of the School Council who lose the capacity for which they were elected, or in the event of death or resignation, are replaced within their college in accordance with the procedures laid down by the regulations in force, for the remainder of their term of office.
Article 6. Functioning of the School Council
- The School Council meets at least twice a year, convened by its Chairman, or at the request of the School Director, or at the written request of one-third of its members, with a specific agenda.
- The minimum notice period for convening a School Council meeting is ten days;
- The agenda is drawn up by the Chairman of the School Council after consultation with the School Director.
- Deliberations are not public.
- Voting is by relative majority, unless otherwise stipulated.
- In the absence of the Chairman of the School Council, or in the event of a vacancy, the position is filled by the Vice-Chairman of the School Council.
- The School Council deliberates validly when the majority of its members are present or represented. If the quorum is not reached, the Board is reconvened within 15 days, and may validly sit regardless of the number of members present or represented.
- The 8 business representatives on the School Council may, by written, dated, and signed proxy, appoint another member of the School Council for a specifically designated meeting. No member may hold more than two proxies.
- The 6 full representatives of local authorities, consular chambers and employers’ and employees’ trade unions may not give a proxy to a member of the Board, and will be replaced by their previously designated alternates.
- With the exception of the rules of procedure, which are adopted by a majority of the members in office, decisions are taken by a majority of the members present or represented. In the event of a tie, the Chairman has the casting vote.
- Voting is secret at the request of any member of the School Council.
- Minutes of School Council meetings are drawn up under the responsibility of the Chairman and approved by the School Council at the following meeting.
Title 3. School management
Article 7. Role of the school’s director
- Ensures the direction and management of the school within the framework of the orientations of the School Council;
- Prepares the deliberations of the School Council and ensures their execution;
- Prepares and implements the budget, for which they are the authorizing officer for income and expenditure.
- Has authority over all school staff;
- No assignment can be made without the school director’s recommendation.
- Proposes to the President of the Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale the list of candidates suitable for the engineering diploma and those likely to be admitted. They decide on class repeats and reorientations;
- They are an ex-officio member of any commission created by the School Board;
- They are empowered by the President of the Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale to sign contracts on behalf of the School;
- The Deputy Director replaces the Director in the event of the latter’s absence or vacancy.
Article 8. Designation of the School Director
The School Director is:
- Chosen from one of the categories of teaching and research staff who are required to teach at the school, without any nationality requirement.
- On the recommendation of the school’s board, the director is appointed by the Minister of Higher Education.
- The Director’s term of office is five years, renewable once.
- Before the end of the current Director’s term of office, the President of the university declares a vacancy and issues a call for candidates, opening a fifteen-day period for applications. Submission of applications is compulsory.
- The School Board must deliberate within fifteen days of the deadline for applications. The Director is nominated by an absolute majority of the members of the School Council. The maximum number of ballots at a Board meeting is three. Should no candidate obtain the required majority, the Chairman of the School Council, or the President of the University, must reconvene the School Council within a maximum delay of one month. Between these two meetings, candidates must be confirmed and new candidates must be submitted under the same conditions, at least five days before the election.
- The minutes of the election are forwarded by the Chairman of the School Council to the President of the Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale.
Article 9. Management team
The Director is assisted by a management team, the composition of which is specified in the internal regulations.
The members of the management team are appointed by the school’s director after
consultation of the School Council.
The Director may also appoint other members of the management team.
Title 4. Advisory Bodies
Article 10. Designation of advisory bodies
The school has the following advisory bodies:
- Board of Governors
- Teaching Committee
- Research Committee
- Personnel Management Committee
Article 11. Role of the advisory bodies
The role of these bodies is defined as follows:
- The Conseil de Perfectionnement is responsible for monitoring and developing teaching in line with the national and international needs of the industrial sectors concerned.
- The Teaching Committee is made up of two pedagogical commissions (Cycle Préparatoire Intégré and Cycle d’Ingénieur) whose role is to propose pedagogical improvements for each semester, and to reconcile the points of view of the diverse parties involved (students, teachers, technical and administrative staff).
- The Research Committee’s mission is to ensure synergy between training and the research activities developed in the school’s supporting laboratories.
- The Personnel Management Commission identifies the school’s evolving needs in terms of permanent and contract staff, and selects temporary teaching staff.
The school’s internal regulations describe how these consultative bodies operate.
Title 5. Provisions governing the adoption and amendment of the Articles of Association
Article 12. Adoption and modification of the school’s statutes
- The school’s statutes are adopted by the ULCO Board of Directors by an absolute majority of the members in office, in accordance with article L. 711-7 of the French Education Code.
- Changes to the school’s status may be requested by the Chairman of the School Board, by the School Director, by one-third of the members of the School Board, or by the President of ULCO.
- Any amendment must be adopted by an absolute majority of the members of the School Council, and then, by the same procedure, by the ULCO Board of Directors.
Title 6. School rules and regulations
Article 13.
The schoo’’s internal regulations are adopted and modified by the School Council by a majority of its members. They detail the application of the school’s statutes.
The internal regulations are forwarded to the President of ULCO, after having been adopted by the School Council by a majority of its members.
In particular, they contain provisions relating to:
- The constitution and operation of the school’s Pedagogical Committee
- Student recruitment
- The course of studies
- Repeating courses and leave of absence
- Assessment procedures and examination regulations
- Internal school discipline
- Research, development, and industrial relations
- Presentation of the management team
- Election procedures
- Presentation of the school’s advisory bodies